Monday, April 9, 2012

Prelude to A Wedding (1/26/12)

I was going to post the pictures of Ryan and Grace's wedding first, but then I decided that I might as well post the rehearsal pictures first and be nice and chronological.

So here they are, three months later.

All the pictures are in black and white because they looked awful in color. Anyways black and white is
cool, right?

Grace and the flower girl

Ben at a bad moment.

Throughout the evening, Stephen decided to pose for me, which was nice when the rehearsal became boring at some points.

And so the rehearsal started. I never knew how complicated a wedding can be, and how the pastor who does the ceremony and the hostesses really have a lot on their hands. They have to make sure everybody comes in at the right time and walks a certain speed, that the music is just long enough, and that everyone stands a certain way, and a hundred other things.

But it was pretty fun watching everyone practice.

This is one of my favorite pictures. Look at Mercy :)

The good part about wedding rehearsals is that you can take as many pictures as you want without feeling stupid about it. I mean, you're not distracting anybody or anything. 

And the people in the wedding party can be goofy no matter what's happening in the ceremony.

Myles and Alyssa, and...

The Bride!

I think this is one of the weirdest pictures I've ever taken.

This picture of Mr. Varner is hilarious. I simply snapped it, not really noticing how cool the light was or anything. It was the only picture I took that actually looked good in color.

The groomsman who was supposed to be with Anna couldn't make it to the rehearsal, so she joined Bethany and Stephen.

Julie's awesome :)
Even though the first time through went pretty well, they decided to do another run-through.

I never knew it took so much concentration to walk down an aisle :)

My brother sortof ruined the picture by pointing...

(I will refrain from saying that Ryan and Grace are cute because too many people have said it already)


After the run-through, the wedding hostesses figured out where everyone was to stand. It was honestly a rather boring thing to watch and listen to, so I snapped some pictures of the boys, who thought the same thing about it.

Isn't this a cool picture of Alyssa and Jeannette?

Since I had already taken a bunch of pictures at the rehearsal, and since about four other people were taking pictures at the dinner, I have no pictures of it. Anyways, you've probably already seen pictures from there.

Forgive me for the lack of interesting things said on this blogpost, but I don't remember a whole lot of details since it was like three months ago. Anyways, the vast majority of people would rather see pictures than read.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a post of the wedding. Hopefully. It's my goal to post every day this week :)


  1. I really like the picture of Dad and Jeannette. Jeannette is looking up at him as if she is envisioning the time when she will walk down the aisle with him- this time wearing a white dress.

  2. Thanks a lot, Melody. Black and white is cool, Rebekah, and I like how it makes the picture of Mr. Varner stand out. I like the picture of Sam and Grace, and how you have certain pictures larger. The "wierdest picture" you've ever taken made us laugh. Keep posting!
