Monday, January 9, 2012

Next Up: Why Cousins are Awesome

So why are cousins awesome?
Is it because they're family and you'd better say they're awesome?
Is it because they are super fun to be around and make you laugh (a lot)?
Is it because they've known you for your whole life and know you completely and thoroughly?
What does make them awesome, then, Rebekah?
It's because they let you take millions of pictures of them!

(The other reasons do help with the awesomeness though...)

My cousins from Georgia came up the day after Christmas. They never see snow and were really looking forward to seeing snow up here. But alas, our forecast had no snow in sight. But then, we were at my uncle's house in Cleveland, snowed! A lot! 
We watched great big fluffy flakes of snow drift down while we stayed inside in the warmth. But it was so beautiful that we flew outside to take some pictures.
And here's the result!


  1. Good pictures, Rebekah! I may have to disagree with your premise that the reason cousins are awesome is because they let you take millions of pictures, because some of my cousins generally run away, but they're still awesome.

  2. Jeannette, all that just goes to show that my cousins are much more awesome than yours! ;)

  3. Hey, not so! That goes to show that your premis is wrong.
