Monday, January 9, 2012

A Long-Due Post

Well, here we go again. It looks like I keep neglecting to post! This better change soon ;)

I, for a change, have a lot of photos to post that I took over Christmas break. Well, it's not really that I never take a ton of pictures over the holidays. 
It's just that this time I had more opportunities to take good pictures.
(Good opportunities to take pictures of things always helps.) 
And, since I've gotten more acquainted with my camera's manual settings, 
my pictures have gotten a lot better. 
(Last year most of my pictures turned out either very blurry or very gritty and always very red.) 
So, I was quite pleased to see that this year most of my pictures turned out decently enough. 
They are still a bit gritty, but that wasn't really fixable since it was sort of dark. 
Anyways, I think adds a bit of character.

Here's a few from the FNBS Christmas Special.
(For those who have no clue what FNBS is, it stands for Friday Night Bible Study.)

Mercy, being Mercy, as only Mercy can.

  Here's Kristen. Don't you like the bokeh in the backround? I think the smile is better, though :)

Corinne and I.

 Melody playing Euchre, serious and contemplative.

 I really like this picture. (In case you're wondering whose hand this is, it's Stephen's)

 Me and Stephen attempting to play Sweet Little Jesus Boy. 

 Isn't this a great picture of yourself, Jeannettie? ;)

Jonny being Jonny as only Jonny can. 

Bethany and Mercy

 Ryan and Grace...and half of Jonny's head.

 Ryan decided that everyone wearing Santa hats should be in a picture together.

It made for some interesting shots :) 

 Stephen being Stephen as only Stephen can.

We'll end this collection of pictures with Ryan and Grace...without half of Jonny's head.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures to a certain extent! I'll be posting more soon.
I hope you're happy Jeannette! ;)

1 comment:

  1. You were right, Rebekah; I am happy, very happy! I love "Mercy, being Mercy, as only Mercy can". It's awesome. That is a great picture of myself, I'm sure. I also love the piano picture. (And it should be "Corinne and me". :-)
