Monday, January 14, 2013

365- Day 14

This is a picture I took as a part of The Visualization Project. The word was Silence.
This, although a bit cliche, is one of my favorite pictures that I've ever taken.
I just love the texture of wood, and I love the shape of violins.
I also like shadows. 
So here we are.

Friday, January 11, 2013

365- Day 11

Let me say that, first of all, I really really like the song on the top.
And secondly, although the picture of Parker is not quite in focus, I like it anyway. It is slightly Sherlock Holmes-ish. It's kinda mysterious, and mysterious is cool.

365- Day 10

365- Day 9

This is what you do when you have a cool idea for a picture with a person in it, but you don't have any siblings around to try it on- you use yourself. 10 second timers and tripods are my friends.

I am actually quite pleased with how this turned out. You might might see this on another blog soon...except it'll look quite different. You'll see.

365- Day 8

This day I had neglected to take a picture in the daytime, so just before the sun set, I was searching around to find something. This is what I came up with. I actually like this. It has interesting contrast.

365- Day 7

I apologize for my lack of posts recently. I have been taking pictures every day. It is just I didn't feel like posting them for a few days, and then the internet on my computer wasn't working. But now the internet is magically working, so I will post all the pictures tonight in case the internet disappears tomorrow.

Here's January 7th. I started school that day.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

365- Day 6

 I have a few pictures for today. Well, seven to be exact.

 Today a small group of us went to the Toledo Art Museum.

It was interesting, because it was the first time that I had actually looked at the art closely.
A lot of people would be like, "Why would you go to an art museum? It's so boring." I understand that a lot of people don't really care about art, and would be really bored if they went to an art museum. I'm cool with that.

But hey, I don't really care about oil paintings in that way either. I'm not an artist. I can't draw or paint to save my life. But if you actually look closely at the paintings like I did for the first time today, you'll see how incredibly detailed some of the paintings are. If you allow yourself to simply glance at the art, you'll be bored. You'll have no appreciation whatsoever, because you haven't taken the time to notice anything to admire. But if you stop and gaze at the painting for a just a minute, you'll notice how amazing it is.

The same with God's creation. In this culture, we want entertainment without any work. We don't want to have to stop and look for something to admire. We want it all before our eyes, and what is before our eyes, we take for granted. But have you ever stopped and looked closely at a flower, or a blade of grass? The more you look, the more intricate you realize it is. Something that was simply a blue flower becomes a display of God's glory and sovereignty and wisdom.

So, moral of story- don't be lazy. Look for the glory of God in everything- it's everywhere.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

365- Day Five

I didn't take any pictures earlier in the day because I thought, "Well hey, I'm going to be with people tonight, so I can actually have pictures of people on my blog for once!"

I'm not sure if I'm going to do that again. It's too risky. What if you forget to take pictures that night? What if the lighting is terrible and you don't get any good ones? What if all the pictures are boring? I don't like posting boring photos.

Thankfully, tonight I took a picture of Stephen that I approved of. The interesting lighting makes it, well, interesting. And his expression is somewhat interesting too.

And then I decided to throw in a picture of Parker for good measure because it amuses me.

Friday, January 4, 2013

365- Day Four

Today was a bright and sunny day. It was also a very windy day. And also, the snow is still here on the ground.Consequently, the snow was blowing about and sparkling in the sun. It was awesome.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

365- Day Three

It's interesting forcing yourself to take pictures in a very familiar environment.You really have to look to find interesting things to photograph. 
This is in my room. I like the contrast in this picture, and the inconsistencies. The wall isn't perfect, and neither is the trim or the door. But I like it because of that. It has character.
I am not a huge fan of the colors, though. They seem greyish and flat. Oh well.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

365-Day Two

This morning (or rather, yesterday morning), I peeked out my window into the backyard. The light of the rising sun was catching the snow and making it sparkle beautifully. One of my goals this year is to take every opportunity that God gives me...and so although I didn't exactly feel like it, I threw a coat on and took some pictures in the frigid air. I am so glad I did.

Taking opportunities is quite a good thing. You never know what God will do through them. In this case, it was simply showing me His glory through letting me take a few beautiful pictures of His creation.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

365 Challenge- Day One

Probably most of you have seen the 365 challenges floating around, or you have already done it before. Basically, the idea is to take a photo every single day of the year. Every. single. day.

I really like this idea, because it forces you to get out your camera every day. It makes you actively look for photo opportunities throughout the day.

And so...I'm doing it this year.

We'll see how this thing goes. If you want to see all the 365 challenge photos without looking at my other posts, I believe that you can click on the 365 tag under this post.

Here's my first day's picture. This is at my grandma's house in Columbus.

Not extremely exciting, I know. Hopefully my other pictures will be better.